
Sunday, April 15, 2012


Our Blue Bonnet season is almost over.  To me spring is here when the wildflowers come to life and the fields become blankets of blue.  People come to capture a picture of their children, pets, brides, engaged couples or pregnant couples posed and nestled in the blue flowers.  It makes a pretty picture but I cringe when I see babies or small children placed on the ground in the field.  I am too afraid of what is crawling and/or slithering to sacrifice a pudgy little leg. 

Spring brings out snakes too.  This one was on my back porch about a week ago and way to close to my back door and me.  When I stepped out and saw this I let out a one word expletive that was probably heard miles away.

It was big and fat.

And long ....about 5 feet

Spring also brings....

At last count it was 17!

I was at work when the sirens started going off.  The hospital called a code black.  Patients were moved away from windows.  It was a very scary time.  I drove home in it.  My very bad!  There was heavy rain and wind and once I reached the toll road I could feel things hitting under my car.  There was a big billboard flashing "Tornado Warning Take Cover!"  Cover?  Where? 

There are many survivor stories out there but the one about the grandmother that took refuge in a bathtub with three children is a true miracle.  After the storm all of them were safe but the bathtub was gone.  You can read about it here.